Monday, September 21, 2009

today house keys were given, and taken.
today is a day that i have been dreading for many years.
everything is changing, today.
crazy day

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Here are 17 facts about the past week:
1) I turned 17 on tuesday. August 11th. No I do not feel any different, but I know things are going to be very different this year.
2) my cousin Louie moved to Port Jervis no excuse me Huguenot
3) My Grandma made me the best Angels Food Cake
4) I have been creating something I am proud of! (Soon to be finished and Posted)
5) I recieved the best gift from my best friend Chrissy
- which was a box that looks like a book, inside containing many nic nacks that she has collected over the years each different thing containing a big memory of ours. Such as Sea shells from ocean city to painting napkins we made in Drawing&Painting. It was very touching.
6- at midnight, august 12th someone was forced into a pool.
7- My niece is now 10 months old, and SO big. I cant believe how fast she is growing.
8- I experiemented with fabrics dye for the first time, creating all sorts of tye dyed things. I just couldn't get enough once I did one shirt I had to go through my clothes to find another I could dye. and I LOVE the turn out of everything. New clothes for the new year without spending more then 2 dollars! woohoo to that. (Going to post pictures in a seperate post)
9- My birthday was strangely boring in the beginning, but ended amazing. I spent it with ALL the people I truely truely love. The people who are closest to me. it was great. because really.. thats all i need is them.. haha
10- I havent rollerbladded! This is soooooo NOT Sarah like. Im about to go outside now and start! cant stay away from my blades for too long, its one of my ways to relax.
11- I got an ipod for my birthday! it was awesome, me and chrissy went to lunch withmy dad and everything. He is a big ar tard sometimes but I do love him, he is my dad.
12- I am going to massachuests on Saturday. :D YAY!
13- I recieved an email from ms.markell with assignments for A.P studio art. Now I've got to get even more serious
-- Also recieved my Schedule
14- I watched A LOT of tv, honestly.
15- I am offically addicted to the Vampire Wars App on Facebook, Help me?
16- I haven't read a book! :o also not very Sarah like.
17- I dont want the summer to end just yet, I haven't had the bigbang I need before school begins.

Monday, August 10, 2009

im due a post

but, ill save that for friday.
I just wanted to say that today is the last day ill ever be 16,
and I haven't done anything.
And heres to a year that ended the way it started yet has changed so much.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Fire works.

Alright so Saturday as everyone knows was the Fourth of July, every year on the Fourth of July my family from my moms side will go to N.J to a beach/park called Promise Land. Its actually a man made lake, but it is always great fun. Unfortunately I did not go this year, even though other members of my family did. I was kind of forgotten.. Well instead, my older brother invited some of his friends for a BBQ knowing that meant.. I was basically going to starve or only eat potato salad the entire day, I tagged along with my uncle and my sister-in-law to Shop Rite and got myself some Veggie Burgers and Veggie Nuggets, which were actually very delicious! :) I actually spent the whole day wondering around rather then hanging out with my brother because honestly... he disgusts me. ha. well on another note I played loads of Frisbee with some old friends that I really missed and it was great reconnecting with some extremely familiar faces. The day was full of ups and downs, as usual for me. but overall it was a fairly good day.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

hello july

Yay, July is here. I like the month of July. :)
I haven't been posting as often, one because I dont really know what to write and two because.. When I do wanna make a post I am kind of busy then I forget when I have the time. XD
Well, My summer vacation has been full of working, yes I have got a job :)
I began my internship at the Orange County Arts Council ( Which I do a lot of Web updating and a bit of Paper pushing, but it is all a lot of fun. I really enjoy working there the enviroment is breath taking and the people are just wonderful. This could be the best first job on the face of the earth.
Other things that have taken place in my summer, is just hanging out with my bestfriends of course. As simple as it gets it is always the best of times. This has been a really great summer so far, and I have ACTUALLY started to create a couple of pieces, as practice for now but I think I am going to make a actually final copy of one of them and I am super excited. Not only a fun summer but a productive one, yay! What I was worried about all along was either working to much or having to much fun and wasting my summer away hehe.
Oh yeah before I forget, Congradulations Class of '09 Im going to miss you guys sooo much. Really I am.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Thank you Alexis.

After my total melt down, 'misplacing' some pieces of mine.. I became totally inspired by a piece that Alexis had done, called "Pulling Poetry"

This was the result,

Thursday, June 11, 2009

misplaced hearts

My brain is so scattered right now,
I dont even know what to do.
As some of you might now on the trip Art club took to the city, we visited an art shop where they had some of the best paper in the world. Some of which I had purchased. For some reason it is all missing, i had even began a piece on one of the papers and it is gone. No where to be found. this breaks my heart, Ive searched every where. it might seem over dramatic, but I have been crying because that is my art, I put my heart into that and it is gone? what the heck, it really hurts. I know I didn't loose it I have a feeling that my step father in his weird ways threw it all out becuase thats what he does. he just like to pick things up and put it in the garbage. I'm a mess now. This really sucks I hope he didnt throw it out and I hope I can find it. all of it.

wish me luck?

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Childhood Rhymes

Today while playing patty cake with my niece I was trying to remember the words of an old favorite when I thought "HEY, why not use the wonder of GOOGLE." haha, well I searched "Chinese, Japanese, Indian Chief." because that was the only part of the rhyme I remembered. While reading the post some people said they used in their childhood I realized everyone sings it differently. While reading other versions I quickly remembered the version I used to play. Ironically this burst of childhood memories came to me on the last day of my juinor year. Which I can proudly say I did not shed a tear even though I was very much tempted too.

The song I grew up with.
"I went to the chinese resturant to buy a loaf of Bread Bread Bread
The waiter adked me what my name was and this is what I said said said
My name is L-I L-I chikali chikali pom pom beauty
seven cups of whiskey
punch 'em in the body, Oops Im sorry.
Never take karate
Chinese, Japanese, Indian Cheif."
Then you freeze.

I am very curious to know whats the version you used?

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Dear Body,

Dont you understand I have review to do?

And Only 1 day of school left of my juinor year,

please feel better.



Sunday, June 7, 2009


is changing around me, I see myself becoming the person I want to be and I'm proud to say I'm forgetting things I've needed too. I'm letting go of the things I've held on to that didn't even make me happy in the first place. I feel my whole perspective has changed, and i honestly see how much i was screwing up before, wasting time. The ridiculous thing is that people have been almost pulling my ear telling me basically screaming what I needed to realize on my own. I'm sorry for anyone who is reading this that doesn't quite understand what I am talking about, it is super complicated, but its not even important anymore. Which is actually a good thing. And I also apologize for all my latest posts being incredibly hard to understand, I'm guessing. Of course I know what I meant, but some of you might not and understand I wrote some of those things for those exact reasons, somethings I can't quite share but I still needed to get them out.

Tata for now, I hope I can post an actual updater soon. :)